What is the Capital Campaign?


We’re currently in the midst of updating our 3 locations – Haven Homeless Shelter in Lorain, our Administration Offices in Elyria, and our Child Care Center in Lorain. The Capital Campaign helps us in modernizing each of these facilities based on the needs of the organization to ensure an updated foundation for the future of our Agency.

Haven Homeless Shelter

We’ve been in the process of updating our homeless Shelter since September 7, 2023. As the only current Family-Friendly Shelter in Lorain County. This momentous 9,262 sq. ft. expansion to the existing Haven Center Emergency Shelter building will allow us to serve up to 88 residents, creating safe and private areas for full families to stay as they work to get back on their feet.



Washington Project

Neighborhood Alliance is currently undergoing a six-phase capital campaign to repair, renovate, and reimagine our service locations. Our Administration Building is located at 265 Washington Ave. in Elyria – the former YMCA. In addition to serving as our Administration location for all of our human services programming (Senior Home Delivered Meals, Help Me Grow, Home Visiting, Early Intervention), we’re also looking forward to renovating our gymnasium to serve as a community-friendly location for sporting events and a Community Center.

Thanks to an incredibly generous donor, we are also working on our Million Dollar Match Campaign to help fund the updates needed to our Washington Project. For each $3 received towards our efforts, our donor will add an additional $1, meaning your $30 donation will become a total of $40 contributing to this cause. Hurry, though, because all gifts must be made by December 31, 2024!



Child Care Center
More info to come soon!