Why Donate to Neighborhood Alliance?
Based on US Census data, over 19% of all families living in Lorain County with children under the age of 18 are living below the poverty level. Seven percent of seniors residing in the county are living at poverty level or below. County records show that over 15,000 individuals receive food assistance. The face of homelessness has changed as well, including not only more children but also increasing numbers of older county residents on fixed incomes. Neighborhood Alliance provides services to almost 3,000 individuals each year. These individuals reside in every city and township in the county. We are empowering the people of our community with the tools to create a better life for themselves. With our inspired mission of strengthening neighborhoods, we continue to expand programs and services to address the diverse and changing needs of families and individuals in Northeast Ohio.
Please consider supporting the work that Neighborhood Alliance does in Lorain County.
**Mailing Address: 265 Washington Ave. Elyria, Ohio 44035