Rising Titans Collaborative Manager
Email | KatelynG@MyNeighborhoodAlliance.org Phone | 440.233.8768
My name is Katelyn Gonzalez and I’m the Manager of the Rising Titans Collaborative, with Lead Partner Neighborhood Alliance and funded by United Way of Greater Lorain County. My role is to facilitate community partners, as a Collaborative, to ensure the Kindergarten Readiness of Lorain’s children and families. I’ve been in a leadership position with the Collaborative since 2018 and have earned the Director title over time. I graduated from The Ohio State University with my Bachelor of Science in Social Work and went onto Graduate School at Cleveland State University to obtain my Masters of Social Work degree. My position with Neighborhood Alliance is my first “big girl” job post-college, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to become a Red Cross CPR Instructor, I’ve also participated in Green Belt through the United Way of Greater Lorain County’s Six Sigma program, and have supervised five social work college students so far at Neighborhood Alliance. I currently sit on two non-profit Board of Directors, have sat on three boards total, and was inducted into Leadership Lorain County’s signature class program of 2020, amongst many other community-driven opportunities in Lorain and Lorain County.
It was always a goal of mine throughout college, to come back to my hometown of Lorain, OH, and make an impact using my education and training. My job opportunity here at Neighborhood Alliance has given me the opportunity to do just that! I see compassion and empathy used every day with families, individuals, and children, which reminds me that there are tons of good in this world – you just have to appreciate the little things in life!