Monthly Giving

Every month, residents of Lorain County need our help. Neighborhood Alliance offers a number of services and programs to touch the lives of everyone from expectant mothers and newborns through our senior citizens. While our services are low-cost if not free in order to support our program participants, we need your help to ensure that these services are able to continue for the growing population and to continue helping our community grow stronger every day.

Why donate monthly?

We aim to provide critical, sustainable operating support for our programs and find that monthly donations are helpful not only for the continued support but also to offer a more affordable option for our donors. For instance, donating $10 a month tends to feel a lot more doable than one lump sum of $120 for a lot of people. By offering monthly donors, we’re able to ensure that donation is more accessible.

Each and every month, Neighborhood Alliance sponsors and supports our community through Child, Family, Senior, and Shelter Services. 


With each monthly gift you will:

  • Support education and a safe care center for school age children
  • Feed hungry families and homebound seniors
  • Help create supportive and nurturing environments for children and families at all ability levels through educational programs
  • Provide safe emergency shelter for homeless men, women and children
  • Encourage socialization, continued education, and healthy lifestyles for our senior population
  • Support healthy lifestyles through the encouragement of mental health services and breaking the cycle of homelessness
  • Help Ukrainian refugees assimilate to life in the United States
  • Transform lives and be the change you want to see!


The generous donations made to Neighborhood Alliance enable our mission of helping communities grow stronger by meeting critical needs and empowering individuals and families.


Neighborhood Alliance Monthly Supporters Receive:

  • The opportunity to be featured in our Monthly Donor Spotlight
  • Fewer giving requests in your mailbox.
  • The ability to choose which program(s) to support. If you would like to support us as an Organization, our General Operations tab allows us to allocate funds to the programs where they are most needed.
  • Joy in knowing that your compassion is helping people in crisis build new lives of stability!

Join us in transforming lives… helping the community grow stronger!

Ready to see some change?

Learn more about Shelter & Emergency Services

Neighborhood Alliance proudly operates the Haven Center Emergency Shelter located at 1536 E. 30th St. Lorain. This shelter serves as the only 24-hour, 365 days emergency shelter for men, women, and intact families in Lorain County. Click Here to learn more.