Neighborhood Alliance Transport

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
9 am to 3 pm*
*Subject to change

For additional accessibility assistance using Ohio Relay, please call 711 to connect with an Ohio Relay operator or
800.750.0750 English to English
888.269.0678 Spanish to English
Ohio Relay


Neighborhood Alliance Transport is a ride service program for community members traveling within Lorain County with prioritization to seniors and/or individuals with a disability to access services throughout the community.

Transport will pick you up at home (or another Lorain County Location) and drop you off at a medical appointment, work, or any other destination within Lorain County.

Reservations are required 2 to 14 days in advance of your trip. You can make reservations by calling our Administration Office at 440.233.8768. Please have the complete address of both your pickup location and destination when calling to schedule your rides as well as any modifications or requests due to a disability (i.e. wheelchair storage, service animal, Personal Care Assistant, etc.) and share that information with our scheduler to ensure you receive the care you need.

For medical appointments, please have your doctor’s name, office address, room/building number and phone number to provide when booking your trip. This helps us locate you when you’re getting picked up from larger medical facilities.

For additional information on the program as well as a list of our fares, please continue scrolling this webpage.


Steps to Making Your Transport Reservation

  1. Gather the information needed to make a reservation 2 to 14 days in advance of your trip.
  2. Call Neighborhood Alliance at 440.233.8768. Scheduling is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm. Trips must be confirmed by speaking with a member of our team at least 2 days prior to your trip. Leaving a voicemail will not officially schedule your ride.
  3. Be ready to board at the beginning of your pick up window.

If, for any reason, an appointment runs late, it is your responsibility to contact your driver and notify them of your new estimated pickup time.


Cancellation Policy

Scheduled trips are to be cancelled at least one (1) hour prior to the time of the trip request by calling our Administration Office at 440.233.8768. Any scheduled trip not cancelled within that window will be considered a no-show and will be logged as such. Exceptions may be made for passengers who are unduly delayed due to medical appointments or procedures and other circumstances beyond their control. The passenger will be required to contact Neighborhood Alliance as soon as practicable following the missed trip and a new driver will be dispatched as soon as possible if applicable.


No Show Policy

Clients are a “no show” when the vehicle arrives within the pick up time window and the customer does not board the vehicle or declines the trip. It is the clients’ obligation to cancel a reserved ride at least one (1) hour prior to the trip request. Any cancellation received after this time will be counted as a late cancellation/no-show.

The transit operator will wait for passengers for 5 minutes beyond the early arrival pick-up time window. If the passenger cannot be located within the established 5 minutes will be considered a no-show. For our full No Show Policy, please click this link.


Passenger Fares One-Way

No Children under 18 may ride alone in Neighborhood Alliance Transport.

  • $2 Adults
  • $1 Senior Citizens (65+), Persons with Disabilities and Children (ages 3 to 12)
  • $1 Students (with a valid High School or College ID)
  • $4.50 All Day Pass Adults
  • $2.25 All Day Pass Senior Citizens (65+), Persons with Disabilities and Children (ages 3 to 12)
  • $2.25 Students All Day Pay

Service operates Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm.

Call 440.233.8768 to schedule a ride. Arrangements must be made 2 days prior or up to two weeks in advance (hearing impaired may call 800-750-0750).



No service is provided on the following dates in 2025:


  • January 1 – New Year’s Day
  • January 20 – Martin Luther King Day
  • February 17 – President’s Day
  • May 26 – Memorial Day
  • June 19 – Juneteenth
  • July 4 – Independence Day
  • September 1 – Labor Day
  • November 27 – Thanksgiving Day
  • November 28 – Day after Thanksgiving
  • December 24 – Christmas Eve
  • December 25 – Christmas Day
  • January 1 – New Year’s Eve
ADA Policy Statement

It is the policy of Neighborhood Alliance to comply with all the legal requirements of federal and state laws and regulations as they pertain to individuals with disabilities. If state laws and federal regulations are contradictory, the federal ADA regulations prevail. The transit system provides quality transportation services without discrimination to all persons including individuals with disabilities. Discrimination on the basis of disability against any person by transit system employees will not be condoned or tolerated.


ADA Services and Regulations
  • A Personal Care Assistant (PCA) may accompany the ADA Certified person at no cost on trips. A family member or friend is not considered a PCA, unless that individual is acting in that capacity.
  • When traveling to other cities, your ADA certification must be recognized and honored for up to 21 days of service in that community. The same 3/4 mile from a local bus route origin and destination criteria apply across the country.
  • ADA regulations require wheelchairs or other mobility devices be secured during transport. Neighborhood Alliance requires wheelchair passengers to be secured with a Neighborhood Alliance Transport installed seatbelt. ADA regulations also require that a person who cannot enter a vehicle using the stairs and who does not use a wheelchair must be allowed to enter the vehicle using the lift, if equipped with grab bars. Driver will ride the lift with the passenger to help steady them, if requested to do so.
  • Riders may ride with their portable oxygen tanks, respirators, concentrators as well as service animals.
    • Emotional Support animals or “comfort animals” are not service animals within the context of the US DOT ADA regulations and will not be permitted.
    • Drivers will not ask for proof of qualifications of the animal but may ask what tasks the animal has been trained to perform.
    • Neighborhood Alliance does not impose species or breed restrictions.


Reasonable Modifications

Please have any reasonable modifications or requests due to a disability (i.e. wheelchair storage, service animal, Personal Care Assistant, etc.) available when calling to schedule your ride(s) and share that information with our scheduler to ensure you receive the care you need.

Neighborhood Alliance is committed to providing equal access and opportunity to individuals with disabilities in all programs, services and activities. Neighborhood Alliance recognizes that in order to have equally effective opportunities and benefits, individuals with disabilities may need reasonable modifications to policies and procedures. Neighborhood Alliance will adhere to all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable modifications, as necessary, to afford equal access to programs for persons with disabilities. Neighborhood Alliance does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, participation in, or receipt of services and benefits under any transit program or activity. Neighborhood Alliance will take appropriate steps to ensure that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate.

No individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of Neighborhood Alliance, or be subject to discrimination by Neighborhood Alliance.

For a full copy of Neighborhood Alliance’s Reasonable Modification policy, please click this link.


Alternative Accessibility Formats

Information found on this website can be provided in an alternative format upon request. Please contact our office by calling 440.233.8768 or emailing us at Neighborhood Alliance will do its best to provide the requested alternative format within a reasonable timeframe.


ADA Complaint Process & Form

All complaints of discrimination on the basis of disability will be promptly and objectively investigated and forwarded to the Chief of Staff and promptly and objectively investigated. The designated individual who handles these complaints is listed on the first page of this document. Complaints are also submitted to the ODOT Civil Rights Office.

Neighborhood Alliance will promptly communicate its response to the complaint allegations, including its reasons for the response, to the complainant. The response will be documented. Corrective or disciplinary action will be taken for behavior prohibited by this policy, up to and including termination of employment.

Documentation of each complaint will be kept on file for a minimum of one year, and a summary of all complaints will be kept for at least five years. This meets DOT regulations that require FTA grantees to maintain all complaints of noncompliance with 49 CFR Part 27 for one year, and a record of all such complaints, which is permitted to be in summary form, for five years.

For a full copy of Neighborhood Alliance’s Complaint Process, please visit this link. Click to fill out our complaint form digitally or download, fill out, and mail a physical copy.


ADA Contact

For questions regarding ADA Services, please contact our Transit Coordinator at 440.233.8768 or at

Title VI Statement

Neighborhood Alliance, operating demand response transit provider, as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.1B, and ODOT Public Transportation requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Neighborhood Alliance operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.


Public Notice

Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI

  • Neighborhood Alliance operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Neighborhood Alliance.
  • For more information on the Neighborhood Alliance’s civil rights program, the procedures to file a complaint, or to file a complaint, please contact the Transit Coordinator at 440-283-8768 (TTY 800-750-0750); email; or visit our administrative office at 265 Washington Ave., Elyria OH For more information, visit
  • For transportation-related Title VI matters, a complaint may also be filed directly with the:

Ohio Department of Transportation, Attn: Office of Opportunity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Title VI Coordinator, 1980 West Broad Street, Mailstop 3270, Columbus, Ohio 43223

Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Complaint Team, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC, 20590.

  • If information is needed in another language, contact 1-800-222-3333.


Notificación al público de derechos bajo el Título VI

  • Neighborhood Alliance opera sus programas y servicios sin distinction de raza, color y origen nacional, segun el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles. Cualquier persona que cree o que ha sido perjudicada por una práctica discriminatoria ilegal bajo el Título VI puede presentar una queja con el Neighborhood Alliance.
  • Para obtener más información sobre el programa de derechos civiles de Neighborhood Alliance, o para obtener más información sobre los procedimientos para presenter una queja, por favor llame a Transit Coordinator 440-283-8768 (TTY 800-XXX-XXX),, o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 265 Washington Ave., Elyria OH  44035.
  • Un demandante puede presenter una queja directamente a la el Departmento de Transporte del estado de Ohio, Attn: Office of Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion 1980 West Broad Street, Mailstop 3270, Columbus, OH 43223.
  • Un demandante puede presenter una queja directamente a la Administración Federal de tránsito, Office of Civil Rights, Atención: Complaint Team, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC, 20590.

Si se necesita información en otro idioma, comuníquese con 1-800-222-3333.


Title VI Complaint Process & Form

All complaints of discrimination on the basis of disability will be promptly and objectively investigated and forwarded to the Chief of Staff and promptly and objectively investigated. The designated individual who handles these complaints is listed on the first page of this document. Complaints are also submitted to the ODOT Civil Rights Office.

Neighborhood Alliance will promptly communicate its response to the complaint allegations, including its reasons for the response, to the complainant. The response will be documented. Corrective or disciplinary action will be taken for behavior prohibited by this policy, up to and including termination of employment.

Documentation of each complaint will be kept on file for a minimum of one year, and a summary of all complaints will be kept for at least five years. This meets DOT regulations that require FTA grantees to maintain all complaints of noncompliance with 49 CFR Part 27 for one year, and a record of all such complaints, which is permitted to be in summary form, for five years.

For a full copy of Neighborhood Alliance’s Complaint Process, please visit this link. Click to fill out our complaint form digitally or download, fill out, and mail a physical copy.


Title VI Contact

For questions regarding ADA Services, please contact our Transit Coordinator at 440.233.8768 or at

Contact Us:

Neighborhood Alliance

Transit Coordinator

265 Washington Ave. Elyria, OH 44035
